The Bradford Group and its operating companies take their names from Arch Bradford who partnered with Alec Reddecliffe in 1945. They worked together until Alec retired. The painting division was added in 1954. On Arch’s retirement in 1974, his son Rodger took over the business.
In 1987 the precast division was added and eventually the Building, Precast and Painting companies operated as separate entities but in combination as part of the Bradfords Group.
Bradfords is one of Canterbury’s longest-serving construction companies with a reputation for high quality, technical innovation and sheer hard work.
Bradford Building has built most of the major buildings in Ashburton, as well as many large commercial and industrial structures in Canterbury.
Bradford Precast supplied concrete components to many of Christchurch City’s significant buildings including, the Christchurch International Airport Terminal Building and Control Tower, the award-winning Botanic Gardens Visitor Centre, the Christchurch Casino and the new Justice Precinct development.
Bradford Painting has been involved in work from historical homes to large commercial projects.
Bradford Precast was sold to Busck Prestressed Concrete Limited. They are a Whangarei based Precast & Prestressed concrete manufacturer, with a national presence and are highly regarded in the industry.
Rodger Bradford passed away in November 2020. Bradford Building and Bradford Painting are now owned by the Bradford Family and Senior Staff.